Saturday, February 21, 2015

EdChat NZ Conference 2014

EdChat NZ Conference 2014

I was lucky to be invited to attend the edchatnz conference at Hobsonville Primary along with Anna and Sonya from Newmarket School. 

The first session we went to was a tour of Hobsonville Primary. This was an amazing eye opener to Anna and I as we had not seen the new open learning spaces before. We were full of questions and it was great that there were so many approachable teachers to talk to. 

The second session we went to linked perfectly with the first as it was related to the planning and ownership children had on their learning. Some students from Hobsonville explained their daily routines in creating their timetable for the day/week depending on their year level. 

The third session was a political debate between National, Labour and the Greens. With a large screen behind the candidates showing all of the live edchatnz tweets it all of a sudden became our mission to tweet up a storm.  It was a proud moment when our tweets began appearing on the big screen. 

The following day we attended the furnware session to gain an understanding of the new furniture styles and how they work in the different learning spaces. 

After that was saw @chasingalyx who shared about her perspective  as beginning teacher getting. We were also lucky enough to see some of the creative video clips her children had made as part of a group project. 

Our final session was about creativity in the classroom and hosted by @geomouldy. This was a highly engaging session about inspiring risk takers in the classroom (I think we tweeted up a storm in this session). 

Finally our heads overloaded and full with lots of exciting ideas we headed home. It was an amazing conference filled with teachers inspired to try new things.